Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Hello World

I am not a blog lover, though I attempted to start up several diaries which I thought would be the next best thing. I am not even an internet lover, though I created an account in every single social networking sites available out there in the World Wide Web. I am not a hater, either, so don't let me justify why I don't love those necessities in the modern age of living. I am just a guy who happened to be born in an Asian country, moved to another Asian country in my early 20's, and is now being offered an enticing job in a European country. The hell about me, let's talk about what this blog is "supposed to be" all about.

As fickle-minded as I am, my brain is still confused on what this blog should be categorized. I don't want it to be purely a humour blog as some of  the facts I will put here might not be taken seriously (if there would be readers other than myself in the first place). I don't want it to be a photo-cum-travel blog, either, as it irritates me spending minutes of my time uploading gigapixel-sized images of my lousy shots. At least, I know what I don't want it to be... but what I want it to be, I am not exactly sure of. Let's just pretend this is a personal blog and its contents are going to be based from my experience. In other words, I will be entitled to my own opinion and this site will be highly moderated.

If all goes well accordingly (else this blog would be a failure), I am a few days or weeks away (depending on the urgency of the good people processing my work permit) from moving to Luxembourg. It is in Europe. It is also a country, a very small one, somewhat like the European version of Singapore in Asia, where I currently reside. It is bordering France, Belgium, and Germany, the more popular countries in Europe. I found out these geographical facts only the minute a company called me and was interested in my services. I asked myself, "Where on Earth is Luxembourg" and so, my friend, "Google", was there to help me. Unfortunately, aside from these limited information, I found minimal results about the country. And so, I started this blog, and the rest should be history in the making.

If you are still asking yourself, "Where on Earth is Europe?" then you should patiently wait for my next entry.

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